Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The #4amproject

Morning everyone... Fully recovered after the four day break from the monotony that is 'work'?

Well, this Sunday saw me taking part in a global project, www.4amproject.org if you've never seen it before I'd strongly recommend looking into it if you're a keen shutterbug.

This is a shot of my first rig up at Wrexham train station, I mounted my Sony A350 with it's Sigma 10-20mm lens on the Giottos tripod & head for a 30 second shutter delay.

Whilst away I'm definitely going to bet getting up early for more #4amproject style shoots!

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Early morning sun (from my bed)

Well, I'd set my alarm earlier this morning but it just wasn't happening, I merely rolled over and snoozed more...
So whilst sat a little later on having my coffee & toast in bed I drew back the curtains and watched the sun coming up.
I love my mornings but recently I've just been 'loving bed' way too much!
Today's going to be another exciting day in the 'orifice'! Woo-hoo!
Well coffee almost gone, I guess I should start making a move...

Monday, 22 February 2010

After 25years...

... I finally have some glasses - I've worn contact lenses since I was about 5yrs old, so to get these is pretty cool, if a little difficult to get used to.
I'm so used to the area of correction being on the surface on my eye it feels quite strange to have it that bit further away from my eye.
To put it in a photographic sense, it's kinda like having my Sigma 10-20mm over my eyes - yup my eyesight is pretty bad. But I want to get used to these to give my eyes a rest.

So I'll see how I get on this week getting used to them...

Monday morning...

Well it's been a while I guess, didn't have the greatest of sleeps really. Woke at 02:30 then roused a couple times after that.
Although in good news I see Sony have announced a new HD video version of their A700. I would absolutely love to get my hands on one of those!

Recently I've been snowed under with work, too many long long days and short nights. On the plus the days are so much lighter and my camera never leaves my side.

Well time for pancakes & Maple syrup for elevenses - kinda negates the whole mixed fruit I had first thing...

Thursday, 21 January 2010

This cracks me up every time I see it...

What kind of a world are we living it?
Why of course the contents will be hot, that's how a microwave works!

We'll be having warning signs on freezers next pertaining to their 'frosty interiors'... Dear oh deary me...

Monday, 11 January 2010

Well, it feels like a long time...

I feel I've kind of neglected my blogging for a while, a case of time running away from me...

As you can see from the picture these are some of the things I've neglected to utilise for a while...

Firstly - the Moleskine - started it with all good intentions, then got into concentrating heavily on photography, then I've spent hours viewing flickr, learning more about PSE watching tutorial DVD's... You see where this is going!

Secondly - the chopsticks & Japanese cats... Ok, I've never been to Japan, I do plan to (there & Russia) but have visited Singapore many times and love the Japanese sushi restaurants and bars and especially their shops!
I kind of digress... What I'm trying to say is it's a culture I'm missing, and one of which I want to immerse myself in once again... I crave cultural differences etc it really fascinates me, and so many wonderful vibrant people, places and objects to photograph.

Thirdly (finally) - Blackberry. I'm loving it, I've had the Curve & previous Bold, but this one is the best thus far... I'm not quite ready to embrace touch screen yet, I cannot imagine parting with my qwerty keyboard - so much easier and more precise.
Anyway, given it's all bells-whistles & flutes I need to fully use it more - ergo more blogging!

Well that's probably bored the pants off someone/anyone/no-one out there...
Until tomorrow - g'night. (",)

Sunday, 10 January 2010

The entrance to my bedroom...

I love all things Russian & Japanese - especially this... I bought this in Singapore a few years ago on one of my many trips there. I miss SG - soon be back...